Friday, April 10, 2015

5am Trouble

How could anyone not smile at this face at 5am!?

Okay so disclaimer in case you think our Easter chocolates have lasted too long; I wrote this post just after Easter but then I tried to attach a photo but my iPad simply added ALL the photos in my photostream and I couldn't delete it. And it has taken me this long to sit down at my hubby's laptop and properly edit it. Anyway the 5am trend has pretty much continued except today it was 3:58am. LOL!!!!!!!!! (okay maybe I am too tired to care anymore...)

So I was awakened at 5am by a light coming from the hallway. And I would have taken a photo of what I saw if this was 20 years ago but with all the capabilities these days for people stealing our digital stuff without our knowledge I decided not to. And I was too irritated to take a pic of just the mess minus the boy. So anyway the first thing I see is that Boy is stark naked. Then I noticed that he had scooted a chair up to the fridge to procure some things I had stashed out of his reach, among which were the bubbles he got from the Easter bunny. A small area of the carpet in our hallway is now nice and clean due to the amount of soapy bubbles water that was dumped on it. I just put a towel over it and left it be, as I didn't figure there was any point to trying to clean that much soap out of the carpet. In the living room I found he had unwrapped quite a bit of his Easter chocolates and eaten a few, leaving the wrappers strewn about as evidence. I guess I should be thankful that he's not yet at the stage of hiding the evidence. Of course in his mind it was pretty logical, he got the bubbles down so he could dump the contents of one bottle into the next, which is tons of fun until you run out of bubbles to dump, and who doesn't love unwrapping colorful foil off of chocolates?!

And now my cute little troublemaker is over at the table counting some toys "how bout 11, then 12, woohoo! Then 16, then 18, 19, 20. Are they bees? They're kinda like yewwo". I love listening to him :)   Oh and I forgot to mention my main suspicion this morning--I'm pretty sure he has been up since he woke me at 3am with a wet bed. So here's to him taking a nap today! And if he doesn't, God help us all endure the forthcoming 4pm meltdown. Bottoms up on the coffee!

Monday, February 23, 2015

The 5am Club

So last week I came down with the dreaded whatever-is-going-around and was miserable all week, finally feeling relatively back to normal by Saturday. Combine that with hubby not feeling well and both of us trying to work, my house was dreadful. But I can safely say it is looking pretty well and lovely right now. It was already looking better by Saturday night, and then this morning hubby got up at 5:20 am for work, and I gotta say it was all I could do to drag myself outa bed and make his breakfast and lunch. However by the time that was completed I was pretty much awake; so between 6:10 am and noon I got the house picked up, vacuuming done, bathroom mostly shined, school done with Boy, deep cleaned under/behind the range in the kitchen, some mending done and of course breakfast and lunch eaten. Then I felt completely free to take a nap as soon as Boy went to sleep, because I got so much done which made 5am totally worth it. Except he's not alsleep yet. He is however this minute in the bathroom pooping on his little potty which is a great big hooray for me as this aspect has been such a struggle. I mean, how do you convince someone that pooping in his underwear is not okay who has done that business in his pants for his entire life???!!!

And now he's back in bed and I'm still hoping for a nap. We'll see.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Typing on my iPad...

Okay so to say life has bee a little crazy the last couple months is probably an understatement. Hubby started a new job in November and has simultaneously had some health problems to deal with. The dog got sick a couple times, Boy and I both got colds in December (I think it was then???) and then of course there was Christmas drama to deal with...and now Boy has been sick with fever off and on for the last two weeks. Yesterday morning when the fever came back again I called his doc and the nurse said it would be a good idea to have him seen at this point. So we took him to the evening clinic at 6pm last night (the first appt we could get) and the very nice pediatrician we saw said its hard to tell if he's just had multiple viruses back to back or if it's a sinus infection. We decided to get some antibiotics just to be safe and hopefully that will make our poor sick boy well again.

In the midst of all the sickness I missed Gal's Night Out with the church ladies last night and am missing the baby shower of one of the ladies in our Small Group this morning. I haven't even gotten to go buy her gift yet, that will have to wait till next week...

Just before Christmas Boy dumped my computer out of the chair he decided he wanted to sit in and it landed right on the charger cord where it was plugged in to the unit. So I no longer have a laptop, hence my disappearance from my blog...but I can only not write for so long, so am typing this with two fingers on my iPad screen. No, I haven't picked out a keyboard for it yet because electronics are basically at the bottom of my list of things to spend time thinking about or spend money on. Although considering the modern age we live in, I may have to adjust my priorities a wee bit.

On the bright side, potty-training is pretty much complete although he still does occasionally wake up wet in the morning despite the fact that we still do a diaper at night. Poor boy is a heavy sleeper like his Mama was...  Oh, and we have figured out what had made him so congested for the last two years, he is very allergic to dust mites! I gotta admit I was not thrilled with this information because I do keep a very clean house but apparently those critters live in even the cleanest houses. So I just gotta be even more thorough with vacuuming his room and wash/freeze anything he sleeps with weekly. Not much more than I normally do so not a big deal, just freeze the stuffed animals and whatever pillows I don't want to wash that often until I get some special pillow cases. It really has made quite a difference for him, until the last two weeks of him being sick...

Oh and I just remembered its Valentine's Day. Happy Valentine's day to y'all and I'll see ya soon, hopefully not months from now again!   xoxo