Project 365 Writing/Photography Challenge
Post #1
One thing you should definitely know about me is that I love reading magazines. Paper magazines. Yes, I have a beautiful Kindle Fire and can get (and do have) most of my magazine subscriptions also in Kindle format. That is a wonderful thing when you are out and about, or lounging on the couch wishing your next issue would hurry up and arrive in the mail! If we are talking about books, I much prefer to read them on my Kindle. But there is something about holding a paper magazine, reading it front to back, and being able to tear out the pages I want to keep. Now, I usually just keep the whole magazine, but there are some magazines that only have one or two things that I think I will reference again, so I just tear them out and put them in a binder. A few months ago I tore out a couple recipe pages and table setting decoration ideas from my Martha Stewart Living and put them in my recipe binder. (By the way, my recipe binder is an awesome scrapbook style binder that my husby got me for Christmas a few years ago! <3 )
Pre-kiddo, I would sit on the porch with my cup of coffee on a beautiful Midwest summer morning, or on that same porch in the evening with hubby, and peruse my latest magazine, dreaming of visiting the exotic places in my Afar subscription. I now have at least 4 different subscriptions, and I think I will always be a paper magazine person. If nothing else, for the nostalgia; so when my grandkids come over they will see me reading a magazine and say "What's that? Why is it made out of paper? Why isn't it on your Kindle? You mean you can actually get those things in paper still?" (Yes, of course I know it won't be a kindle in 20 years, it will probably be some virtual screen that you can beam from the ceiling onto the palm of your hand! :p )

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