Finally, I have returned! No, I did not actually "leave", but life never goes as planned, i.e. I did not intend to disappear for almost 5 days from my little blog. I have greatly missed writing, but frankly, was too exhausted the first three days of the week to write anything. Yesterday, hubs and I watched a movie in the evening, and I had stomach cramps. Oh, and Boy didn't nap either. Today, I made a Walmart and Costco run, paid bills, and took Boy to the indoor play area in the mall. (Too hot outside for the last couple days to take him to the park...) Tonight, I began catching up in the kitchen and finally got my shelf returned to it's rightful place on my counter! It is definitely not the color I intended, but I had a coupon for a free sample for a summer line of paint, and as they did not have red, I went for this as it is still bright and cheery--the green and yellow options were just too dull. So I am calling this color "terra cotta" as my kitchen is definitely not orange! Then this fall when my Real Simple magazine (hopefully) has another coupon for a free paint sample can, I will get a different color. Until then, I will enjoy this one. As you can see, I have more orange in my kitchen than I thought, and it really does blend nicely and add the needed pop of color. And yes, my new 2014 Ikea catalogue came in the mail a few days ago, which reminds me I also have a new Real Simple which is dying to be read while I finish my glass of wine. So adios for today; I will, Lord-willing, see you all tomorrow!

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